Sic Semper Tyrannis

"Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." "In God we trust." The old words from our nation's founders still ring true today. This blog tries to capture why and how.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Viva McCain!

Dear Friends:

This is not a blog...just a very personal note about my voting plans!

I am so very pleased that John McCain has secured the nomination to represent the Republican Party in the November 2008 elections.

John McCain, a war hero and a fighter for what is right, wants to build the military, protect the unborn, and welcome hardworking and honest immigrants who wish to become citizens of this great country. Those three great causes alone should inspire us to rally behind him.

So that is why I say,
Viva McCain!

Alexandra Lajoux
Fairfax VA

PS: Potential Republican candidates for VP include almost any of his running mates (except the one who is a libertarian, not a know who I mean). Other excellent possibilities include Hon. J. C. Watts, General Colin Powell, Dr. Condeleezza Rice, and any Virginia Republican including Hon. Tom Davis - Sic Semper Tyrannis! I know many listed here have declined this honor in the past but we must remain hopeful!