Sic Semper Tyrannis

"Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." "In God we trust." The old words from our nation's founders still ring true today. This blog tries to capture why and how.

Monday, December 24, 2012

On Being a Compassionate Conservative

What a world! It's upsetting to witness the current culture of anti-faith and anti-life humanists, voters who think the government owes them a living, glorification of violence by the game makers and movie directors, and sprawling federal bureaucracy causing overregulation and growing debt, to name just a few societal ills. Given these problems it's only natural that the Tea Party movement rose up. For the past few years, I've let their voices do the talking for me. They make a strong case for values we share: I'm Pro-life. Pro-prayer. Pro-Constitution. But after the Newtown, CT, massacre by assault weapon, I must part ways with any other conservative movement that tolerates these agents of mass destruction. You see, I'm Anti-assault weapon. Our Founding Fathers didn't need them, why do we? Remember George Bush Sr.'s phrase, "kindler, gentler nation"? What about his son George W. Bush's effort to lead the free world as a "compassionate conservative" with beloved Laura at his side? Oh how I miss those noble days. Lord, show us the way!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

PS from Alexandra: The individuals who wield assault weapons criminally have hardened their consciences. They deny and defy a important truth written in the human heart and recorded in a divine Commandment: "Thou shalt not kill." Yet the same, alas, can be said of the women who get abortions and the men who advocate this tragic "choice" - an action that denies any future choices by the child killed. These womena nd men too have dulled their consciences. And their influence on society--the influence of pro-abortion voices and "choices"--are along with assault weapons also to blame for what happened in Connecticut. Repent now! There is forgiveness where there is repentance.

3:50 PM  

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