Sic Semper Tyrannis

"Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." "In God we trust." The old words from our nation's founders still ring true today. This blog tries to capture why and how.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

"We Shall Not Weaken or Tire"

There are blogs and blogs. One of the best of the best is the Patriot Post by Mark Alexander Sometimes it's too detailed for my tastes, but reading its commentary on the war against terrorism always adds fuel to the fire of my support for our troops.

A recent posting compared America's current cause to our efforts to stop evil in its tracks back in World War II.

"As for Operation Iraqi Freedom, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld noted in congressional testimony this week, 'The enemy has called Iraq the central front in the war on terrorism.'
Rumsfeld continued: 'If we left Iraq prematurely—as the terrorists demand—the enemy would tell us to leave Afghanistan and then withdraw from the Middle East. And if we left the Middle East, they'd order us—and all those who don't share their militant ideology—to leave what they call occupied Muslim lands, from Spain to the Philippines, and then we would face not only the evil ideology of these violent extremists, but an enemy that will have grown accustomed to succeeding in telling free people everywhere what to do. We can persevere in Iraq or we can withdraw prematurely, until they force us to make a stand nearer home. But make no mistake: They are not going to give up, whether we acquiesce in their immediate demands or not.'
In 1940, British PM Neville Chamberlain attempted to opt out of WWII by ignoring the Third Reich. The day after Germany invaded the France, Belgium and the Netherlands, Chamberlain resigned and was replaced by Winston Churchill, who confronted Hitler head on, and preserved Great Britain's charter." (Patriot Post, August 2006)

You hit the mark on that one!

No, we cannot give up the fight against terrorism. Too much is at stake. Our troops need our support.

Sir Winston Churchill, speaking in a radio broadcast February 9, 1941, said "We shall not fail or falter; we shall not weaken or tire...Give us the tools and we will finish the job."

To our beloved U.S. and Allied troops: You are doing your utmost to root out terrorists and protect emerging democratic governments. You can and will finish the job if we help you, support you, and as always, thank you.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

A Sensible Message from a Fellow Patriot

Our Commander in Chief is wise to seek a ceasefire in the Middle East. But if terrorist groups don't respect it, we and our allies, including Israel, must stay the course of defense against terrorism.

No one explains why better than David Bancroft, a patriot in Texas who has devoted an entire website to his love of

In a recent commentary called "Responding Similarly with Resolve," Mr. Bancroft notes: "While the loss of innocent life during any conflict is very sad, it usually is by accident and in reaction to aggression occurring from the area that unfortunately includes non-combatants. And when it occurs due to the enemy using civilians as cover . . . the blame must first go to those who used these innocents knowing full well what might happen. Moreover, there are terrorists groups who purposely attack civilians regardless of age without remorse. (Remember September 11, 2001 and since then... bombings in Madrid, India, and London.) These morally corrupt groups have even proudly taken credit for these atrocities including broadcasting the gory events over the internet and many times with the assistance of a friendly nation's media, which is then reported by US and other countries. Why does the global media have a tendency to forget this fact when reporting something like the tragic deaths of civilians in Qana, Lebanon?"

Wise words indeed.

So let us all pray that the ceasefire prevails. And let us also pray for the safe return of our troops. But let us also speak out to correct the error of those who would equate the U.S. or its allies with terrorists. Nothing could be farther from the truth.